Dear Bruno Johnson Fans,

The ninth book in Dave’s popular Bruno Johnson series will be released in February! As we gear up for that release, we have a few bits of exciting news.

If you’re an eBook reader, you’ll be happy to know most of David’s Bruno books are on sale on Kindle for the month of September, so if you’ve missed any of his previous eight titles, now’s the perfect time to catch up!

If you’d like to know how he spins such thrilling tales, Dave will be conducting a virtual workshop as part of an amazing “Authors Academy” program hosted by our friends at Murder on the Beach bookstore in Florida. Dave’s “Heroes vs. Villains” workshop will cover how he makes characters and their conflicts more real for maximum thrills, to keep those pages turning.

Visit their website for details and registration for this event on September 25:

Finally, Dave will again be doing in-person signings! He’s got a couple of dates lined up already to finish out 2021. If you have a favorite bookstore near you that does author signings, please let us know. We’re planning a big tour in 2022 for the release of THE SINISTER, which Janet Evanovich called:

“Riveting, scary, but with plenty of wit and humanity… In Putnam’s capable hands, the characters jump off the page—even the dog.” 

We’re jumping for joy to be doing in-person events again, and hope to see you one in the near future… or via zoom, please let us know what kind of events you enjoy. And thanks for your support.


Mary (Mary (at)

& David (David (at)


If you can’t wait until February to get your hands on THE SINISTER, we do have a few extra “advance reader copies” free for the asking for reviewers. Let us know if you’d like one.  

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