Book Sale… and other updates from Author David Putnam

Dear Friends & Fans,

Hope this update finds you well during these challenging times. Since you’re a mystery/thriller fan, we also hope you have plenty of fun books to read for distraction and entertainment. Since most of Dave’s in-person events to launch his latest Bruno Johnson novel, THE HEARTLESS, have been cancelled, we’re increasing our on-line efforts to connect with fans. Dave’s been chatting with fans near and far via Zoom (or similar), so if you’d like to participate in a video-conference get-together or have Dave visit your book group, please let us know.

We’re happy to announce most David Putnam eBooks are on sale, through your favorite eBook sellers, until the end of May for just $1.99.

If you prefer physical books, or like to do book reviews and love ARCs (advance reader copies) let us know as we will have some giveaways in advance of the release of Dave’s next Bruno book, THE RUTHLESS, which is now available for pre-order! That’s #8 in the series.

If you’re not sure which ones you already have, we’ve added a page to the website with a quick overview of the whole series so far (the four current-day books with Bruno and Marie saving children from toxic homes in LA: THE DISPOSABLES, THE REPLACEMENTS, THE SQUANDERED, and THE VANQUISHED; plus four “Early Years” books which show how Bruno got his start as a rookie and a father: THE INNOCENTS, THE RECKLESS, THE HEARTLESS, and THE RUTHLESS).

Also, Dave’s been reading and reviewing books like crazy on, even making the top 20 reviewers, so if you’re looking for more good books to read, check out his recommendations, and while you’re there we always appreciate a good rating, or even a short review.

Wishing you good health, and hope you’re staying safe and sane, with the help of lots of books.


David & Mary Putnam

Mary (at)


Often readers ask: “Which one should I read first?” Usually Dave’s favorite book is the one he’s written most recently. Some fans of series like to start at the beginning. This is not necessary with Dave’s books because they’re written to be read as a stand-alone. Also, the Bruno Johnson series has two beginnings. Here’s how it happened:

The first published book in the Bruno series, The Disposables (released in 2014), is NOT the first chronologically since Dave wrote four prequels–a little like how the Star Wars movies were released.

The four early-years novels begin with The Innocents (released in 2018)—Bruno is a young cop when he finds out he is the single father of baby girl, Olivia, who is placed in his care. That little girl grows up as Bruno battles a tough, brutal career throughout The Reckless, and The Heartless, and culminates in the The Ruthless–coming in Feb 2021!

That takes us to the first (in order of publication) Bruno novel, The Disposables. Current-day Bruno is an ex-cop, and now, an ex-con. Olivia is out of is life, but he has custody of a grandson, Alonso. He will do anything to protect this child—and other children.

The Replacements, The Squandered, The Vanquished follow as Bruno is called back to Los Angeles County, time and again, to extract justice—and to save children.